Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Sunday Bloody Sunday.

¤Put Your songs on shuffle¤For each question, press the next button to get your answer (there's really no piont in cheating...)*You must write down song/artist (even if it doesn't make sense)*Include any comments in parenthesis*Post with #23 as your Title

1.How do you feel today? : Love me do - The Beatles
2.What's your outlook on life? : Revolution - The Beatles
3.What do strangers think of you? : Don't stop me now - Queen
4.How is you love life? : I love to boogie - T-Rex
5.How will your love life be in the future? : The ballad of John and Yoko - The Beatles
6.What is your biggest regret? : Something - The Beatles
7.What is your biggest fear? : Polythene Pam - The Beatles
8.What do you think about the most? : Love is hell - Ryan Adams
9.What is your motto? : Lady Madonna - The Beatles
10.What are you going to do on your next vacation? : She said she said - The Beatles
11.What song should they play on your birthday? : Come Together - The Beatles
12.What song should they play at your funeral? : Baby's in black - The Beatles
13.How do you feel today? : Honky tonk woman - The Rolling Stones
14.What is your biggest secret? : And your bird can sing - The Beatles
15.What is your life story? : Octopus's garden - The Beatles
16.The soundtrack of your life? : Hey Jude - The Beatles
17.You and your best friend are: Eight days a week - The Beatles
18.What does next year have in store for me? : Sympathy for the devil - The Rolling Stones
19.What do I say what life gets too hard? : What goes on - The Beatles
20.What Song will I dance to at my wedding? : We can work it out - The Beatles
21.Your favourite saying? : Happy alone - Kings of Leon
22.How will I die? : A day in the life - The Beatles
23.What will you post this list as? : Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2

Det virker helt klart som om jeg kun har Beatles, og det er vel strengt tatt nesten sant.:} Jeg ble utfordret av Merete, så jeg velger å utfordre Elissa og Trine!;)


Trine said...

Tar utfordringen! neste innlegg blir sånn ;)

Anonymous said...

Utfordring tatt!
Du ser ut som en hardbarka beatles-sikler, mens min liste ser ut som.. random oppkast? Noen sanger passer jo, mens andre bare tar av. :D
Slik som feks. lips of an angel.. jeg lo litt da:p

Merete*-' said...

Ganske morsomt når sånne ting passer ;o baby's in black well I'll have to remember that... no pun intentedP; ser ut som du er blit bitt av billen ho ho hoP;